WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels is touted as one of the greatest pro-wrestlers in history. He has been often criticized for his backstage antics which were quite rude back in the day. However, Shawn Michaels has changed over the years and mended relationships with fellow WWE stars. The former World Champion Randy Orton recently recalled his first meeting with HBK and he was not a fan of the encounter. ‘The Viper’ had labeled him as a “pr*ck”. But he noted how the WWE legend has evolved over the years.
Randy Orton opens up on Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton recently made an appearance on The Ringer Wrestling Show, where talked about his journey in WWE and how he has changed as a person. He feels he had a similar journey similar to Shawn Michaels, who had a bad reputation but changed himself significantly over time:
“I was lucky to have some great men in the locker room, kind of see how they went about life and how they were with their kids. I got to see Shawn Michaels, who, on all accounts was a complete as*hole. And when I met him I even thought he was a pr*ck. But, I saw the change and I heard the stories… And I feel like, it’s kind of funny, the same thing kind of happened to me. Kind of. You know, it’s part of the journey. I think my legacy is the longevity,” said Orton.
Orton also acknowledged the fact that he was a little lost in his 20s, which was when he got the breakthrough with the WWE:
“My attitude when I was in my mid-20s, I think I walked around with a chip on my shoulder. I think it came across as me being stuck up or a narcist. I think that was kind of cover for me and my insecurities,” said Orton.
Randy Orton is certainly a fan favorite and has achieved a lot during his illustrious career. He has captured multiple titles in the company and he is for sure a future WWE Hall of Famer. ‘The Viper’ is currently a part of tag-team ‘RK-Bro’ with Riddle.