Hollywood legendary actor Sylvester Stallone is not a fan of the ‘Rocky’ spinoff. The veteran actor has lashed out at ‘Rocky‘producer Irwin Winkler and Winkler’s family after news surfaced that there are plans for an Ivan Drago spinoff similar in vein to ‘Creed’. Sylvester Stallone recently accused the Winkler family of “once again picking clean the bones” of a character that he created with his iconic and ever inspiring ‘Rocky’ movie franchise. It is to be noted that Stallone created ‘Rocky‘ but Winkler owns the rights to ‘Creed.‘
It was on Thursday that sources told The Wrap that MGM was developing ‘Drago’, a Creed spinoff centering on Ivan and his son Viktor Drago (Florian Munteanu), who was introduced in Creed II. Robert Lawton was hired to write Drago after MGM executives were impressed by his spec script Becoming Rocky, about the making of the original Rocky film. The news wasn’t completely a surprise, as Lundgren mentioned the project in a November 2021 interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
Sylvester Stallone slams Rocky producer for another spinoff
Stallone took to his Instagram account and minced no words regarding the recent reports of the ‘Rocky’ spinoff, ‘Drago.’
“Another Heartbreaker… Just found this out…ONCE AGAIN, this PATHETIC 94-year-old PRODUCER and HIS MORONIC USELESS VULTURE CHILDREN, Charles And David, are once again picking clean THE BONES of another wonderful character I created without even telling me,” Stallone wrote on Instagram Saturday. He went on to apologize to Rocky fans, insisting that he never meant for his characters to be “exploited by these parasites.”
Sylvester Stallone went on to add that he has “nothing but respect” for Dolph Lundgren, who played Ivan Drago in Rocky IV and Creed II, but he is disappointed that his friend didn’t tell him about the Drago spinoff plans. “Keep your REAL friends close,” Stallone advised his fans.
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