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HomeFormula 1Is Carlos Sainz Out of The Race for Hamilton's Seat in Mercedes...

Is Carlos Sainz Out of The Race for Hamilton’s Seat in Mercedes F1?

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Carlos Sainz, the Spanish racing driver, has found himself in a precarious position following Ferrari’s decision to sign Lewis Hamilton for the 2025 season. With Hamilton’s move to the Scuderia, Sainz is no longer in the running for the second Mercedes seat—at least not under his current circumstances.

As a free agent in the F1 driver market, Sainz faces the challenge of finding a new team. While his odds of securing a competitive seat are stronger than usual due to several driver contracts being up for renewal and renegotiation, the Mercedes option is now off the table. The question is, Why is Sainz no longer in the running for the Mercedes seat?

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In a recent video by Sky Sports F1, the reporter addressed the ongoing speculation surrounding Carlos Sainz’s future. The reporter clarified that Mercedes doesn’t have anything against Sainz; instead, they might be holding out for other potential options. One possibility is that Mercedes is waiting for Max Verstappen to become available. Another option is the young driver Andrea Kimi Antonelli, who will turn 18 next year and could be a future candidate for the team.

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There is also speculation that Mercedes has offered Sainz a one-year contract, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Ultimately, only time will reveal what decisions Mercedes will make regarding their driver lineup for the 2025 season.

Other Potential Destinations for Carlos Sainz

Carlos Sainz

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  1. Red Bull Racing: Carlos Sainz has been linked with the unconfirmed cockpit at Red Bull, currently occupied by Sergio Perez. Red Bull’s performance and team dynamics could make it an attractive choice for the Spaniard.
  2. Hamilton’s Vacant Seat: With Hamilton leaving Brackley after more than a decade with Mercedes, his seat alongside George Russell remains open. However, Mercedes has opted to keep a watching brief. The team is waiting to see if Max Verstappen decides to make a sensational switch away from Red Bull. Negotiations with Sainz have hit an impasse due to timing concerns, not contract demands or performance1.
  3. Audi: Despite initial suggestions that Sainz missed Audi’s deadline for signing, the door remains open for him. Audi could be an intriguing alternative if other options fall through.

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I'm Moin Akhunji, a passionate sports writer renowned for my unique storytelling approach. My expertise spans across various sports, notably NASCAR, F1, and IndyCar. I hold a profound admiration for athletes like Chase Elliott and Dale Earnhardt Jr. When I'm not crafting articles, you'll likely find me trekking in the hills, indulging in my favorite hobby.
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