The highly anticipated upcoming live-action sports comedy film Space Jam: A New Legacy, a sequel to the cult classic Space Jam, has just dropped its first trailer, featuring Los Angeles Lakers stalwart LeBron James, alongside renowned Hollywood actor Don Cheadle and an ensemble cast of renowned cartoon characters.
Set to be released in the United States on 16th July 16, Space Jam: A New Legacy has been teasing the fans since the last year, from when LeBron himself revealed the New Tune Squad Jersey, to the accidental leak of the storyline back in October.
Three months prior to release, Space Jam 2 gets its first trailer
Now, the patience is finally over as , Warner Bros. Pictures has released its first trailer in the early hours of 3rd April, and it has taken the Lakers fanbase and the internet by storm.
The trailer was shared by the official Twitter handle of the movie, along with a snappy caption that reads: “Tunes vs. Goons. Watch LeBron James and Bugs Bunny in the new trailer for Space Jam: A New Legacy. In theaters and streaming on HBO Max* – July 16. #SpaceJamMovie.” Check it out below-